Contact or Enroll
Thank you for choosing Mihi School as the school for your child.
Enrolment Process
As part of the enrolment process, parents/caregivers are asked to provide enrolment information using the enrolment form provided by the school or completing the digital form attached below. This information allows Mihi School to meet the requirements of the Education and Training Act and is kept securely.
Before enrolling a new student, we ensure the student is eligible to enrol at our school. This includes:
meeting with the Principal
checking all documentation (e.g. enrolment form, birth certificate, passport)
checking Ministry Transport Zone if transport is required
checking school records for exclusion/expulsion from previous school(s)
Approval of enrolment is only made once the above have taken place.
If a student has been excluded or expelled from another school, the school board meets to consider the individual case and accept or decline the enrolment.
Reclassification between year levels may occur occasionally. Parents/Caregivers can make an appointment with the school to discuss the potential effects of their child repeating or moving forward a year. If a shared consensus can’t be reached, the school reserves the right to make the final decision. The principal has final approval of all class placements.